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  • kdmertz84



Here I have made a lot of adjustments from the previous version, rather than sliding boxes i made the objects bouncing balls, added game stats, in a start screen, game play screen, and game over screen. There is now a timer in the top left that represents your score or more simply the amount of seconds you last. I also adjusted the way the player moves form one side of the screen of the other when going off screen, making the teleportation happen about when the player touches the edge, rather than until there about all the way off screen, which makes it look a bit more clunky but was done because you could abuse the old way to be invincible with no way to lose. The player character is know slightly wider to account for the smaller enemy's, i have also allowed the player to move at all game state screens as both a way to allow practice moving even if its basic up, down, left, right, as well as serving as a way for the player to chose were they start once they begin the game, so that you don't consistently spawn on the ball leading to instant game over.

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