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  • kdmertz84

Art project that uses technology or computers

How do you think the project was made?

- Getting the eye to show the message was likely the easiest part, all you really need is a screen, and having it blink would probably need a sensor to tell the eye to blink when it revises a signal, but i can imagine the modeling of the ball which looks to be plastic and some paint, and having the eye lids move would take quite a bit of work

How many people do you think were involved with the project?

- While something like this is complex, something this small in size would probably take only a few people, i cant imagine more than 10 people worked on this, and probably only like 3 people were the main contributors.

How much time do you think it took to put together?

- Depending on the amount of people would effect this, but regardless something like this which is not the most complex thing is functionality, not to say its not complex, but i imaging its only took around 4 months if the people involved were supper passionate about the project.

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